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Interview Monique Laros on Roel QoQo and Grenzeloze Inhoud

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Ducimetière, BA M.D. (University of Amsterdam); Voogd, BA M.V. (University of Amsterdam); Stigter, Dr. S. (University of Amsterdam) (): Interview Monique Laros on Roel QoQo and Grenzeloze Inhoud. DANS. https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-zv7-4ycu

2020-01-17 Ducimetière, BA M.D. (University of Amsterdam); Voogd, BA M.V. (University of Amsterdam); Stigter, Dr. S. (University of Amsterdam) 10.17026/dans-zv7-4ycu

Roel QoQo took part in the project "Traveling exhibition" in 1983. He decided to include a Walkman with headphones and a self-portrait in the suitcase designed by John den Besten. Unfortunately, the artist passed away in 2016. This interview is with Monique Laros, his widow. She describes in more detail Roel QoQo's art.
